April 15, 2024 - Version 8810

NOTE  Datto EDR leverages a staggered release process. You'll receive an in-product notification when these updates are available to your instance.

Version information

Endpoint Security Agent Ransomware Agent Rollback Agent API 





Service note

IMPORTANT  To enhance the security of all customers, new geo-IP filtering went into effect on Monday, April 15, 2024. To learn more, refer to Geo-blocked regions.

New features

  • We're excited to introduce automated response policies: a new endpoint protection tool that is designed to disrupt risky behaviors, not business. Automated response policies contain pre-defined detection rules selected by our Content Engineers that can carry out recommended actions when a threat is detected on an endpoint. These policies can attempt to kill malicious processes, quarantine suspicious files, or isolate the host from the network, mitigating the scope of an attack and preventing it from spreading to other devices in your environment. In addition, you can create your own rules to ensure that your customers receive the comprehensive protection they deserve. To get started with this feature, refer to What are automated response policies? and Creating and managing automated response policies.

  • Now, Datto EDR delivers multi-volume support and folder exclusions for ransomware rollback. Rollback file tracking on additional connected drives and optional folder blocklisting give you expanded granular control over the data you'd like to protect. Configurable from your ransomware policy, this new feature delivers improved protection for endpoints that perform large numbers of read and write operations.


  • The Executive Threat Report will now enumerate the total count of monitored hosts for the organization or location in the current filter.

  • With this release, the Executive Threat report details alert information instead of vulnerabilities. This improvement empowers you with insights into alerting volumes and helps you identify top offending hosts.

  • We've added a Datto AV reporting status to the Device Details page. This indicator helps you understand if the Datto AV service is running and whether the endpoint requires a reboot.

  • Tooltip guidance now exists in the Datto AV Exclusions configuration modal. The tooltips provide examples of valid exclusion paths to ensure that path information is correctly entered.

Bug fixes

  • We've fixed an issue that could cause older database files on endpoints to grow too large. We identified the cause and added controls to limit their size.

  • This release updates the monitoring behavior used by the Endpoint Security agent's servers to determine if a device is online and checking in with the cloud platform. This update should address issues in which an endpoint was incorrectly marked as "inactive" due to a missed check-in event.

